MHFA for Teens

Review from Porth Community School - Head of Health and Wellbeing:

"After implementing the Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) course at Porth Community School, I am pleased to share some valuable insights into its impact on our students.The range of mental health issues covered in the course was exceptionally beneficial for our students. They appreciated the reassurance that they were not expected to solve others' struggles but rather to help find support. Additionally, the opportunity for students to brainstorm and implement ideas around the school was met with enthusiasm. I particularly admired how the course equipped students with the knowledge and confidence to put these ideas into action. Moving forward, I plan to incorporate the concepts covered in the course into my teaching by including information on different types of mental illnesses and working with students to implement their ideas around the school.

Feedback from our students regarding the course has been overwhelmingly positive. They have expressed increased confidence in supporting others and have learned valuable skills they were not previously aware of. It's inspiring to see students taking proactive steps to improve provisions for their peers, demonstrating the lasting impact of the MHFA program. Thank you for the opportunity to share our experience with the MHFA course. It has been instrumental in promoting mental health awareness and support within our school community."

Head of Health and Wellbeing - Amy

Mental Health First Aid For Teenagers

In partnership with Curo Training Solutions

At Chi Education, we are dedicated to promoting mental health awareness and equipping young individuals with the tools they need to support themselves and their peers through difficult times. Our MHFA Training Course and Free Assemblies are designed specifically for students in Years 9-11, providing them with invaluable knowledge and strategies to navigate mental health challenges effectively.

MHFA Training Course:

Our MHFA Training Course is a comprehensive program aimed at empowering students to become mental health champions in their school community. Through engaging sessions led by certified MHFA trainers, students will:

- Gain a deeper understanding of various mental health issues.

- Learn practical strategies and coping mechanisms to manage their mental well-being.

- Explore ways to provide support to their peers and promote a culture of mental health awareness.

Our course is tailored to the unique needs of students, providing them with the confidence and skills to make a positive difference in their own lives and the lives of others.

Free Assemblies for Years 9-11:

In addition to our MHFA Training Course, we also offer free assemblies for students in Years 9-11. These assemblies feature inspiring talks from individuals who have bravely navigated different mental health challenges. By sharing their personal experiences, these speakers aim to:

- Raise awareness about mental health issues.

- Encourage open conversations about mental well-being.

- Empower students to seek support and take proactive steps towards better mental health.

Our assemblies provide students with valuable insights and inspiration, sparking important conversations and fostering a supportive school environment.

Are you ready to prioritise mental health education and support in your school community? Get started with our MHFA Training Course and Free Assemblies for Years 9-11 today! Simply reach out to us to discuss further details.

Together, let's make a positive impact on the mental well-being of our students.